HomeUDS Blog Page UDS Blog Page 1. Personal Projects 2. General Data Science 3. Data Visualisation Scroll To Top Predicting Soccer Attendances Predicting the attendances in English Soccer matches. 1 - Introduction Sources of data, and feature selection. Part 2 - What Data Details on how weather data was used. Part 3 - Weather 1 Creation of the main data set and features within it. Part 4 - Dataset Feature Scaling, what is it, how does it apply ? Part 5 - Feature Scaling Summary of work done so far, and also next steps. Part 6: Summary/Next steps Multiple Linear Regression Part 7 : Modelling - 1st Draft Soccer Analytics The Cobblers 2017/18 Scroll To Top Miscellaneous A brief summary of what Data Science is What is Data Science ? What constitutes Data Science ? Data Science Components 1 Details on really useful Data Science podcasts. Podcasts What type of Data Scientist are you ? Infographic Scroll To Top Shiny Soccer dashboard, utilising Shiny. Shiny Dashboard